Compact with Texans


The Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners is the State's agency that regulates the practice of veterinary medicine and equine dentistry by licensing and regulating veterinarians, licensed veterinary technicians, and equine dental providers. It also takes action against non-licensed persons who violate the Veterinary Licensing Act by practicing without a license. The Board licenses individuals by verification of their credentials and examination. Those who meet the minimum qualifications and pass the required examinations receive a license that is renewed annually. The agency receives and investigates complaints against veterinarians, licensed veterinary technicians, equine dental providers, and persons practicing without a license. The Board sanctions licensees who have been found to have violated the Board's rules and the Act. Cases involving practicing without a license are investigated and, if a violation is found, the violator will be asked to sign a cease and desist order. A criminal case can be pursued by law enforcement also, practicing without a license is a Class A Misdemeanor.

The Board and its staff are committed to excellence in their service to the public and the veterinary profession. The Board's first priority is to protect the public. It must maintain high standards for veterinarians who seek licensure in Texas, as well as high standards for those who are already in practice. The Board also has a commitment to its licensees by keeping them informed about the law, its rules, and related information. In keeping with these commitments, the Board has the following goals, objectives, and standards of performance.

General Office Operations

  • All staff will be courteous and professional in dealing with persons who contact the Board's office.
  • During office hours callers will be greeted by a receptionist, not an automated option menu.
  • No caller will be placed on hold for more than one minute except in unusual circumstances or when they are waiting for staff to retrieve information. If being on hold is inconvenient, staff will get the person's number and call the person back with the information.
  • Open Records requests will be answered within 10 business days unless an Attorney General Opinion is sought through the Attorney General's Office.
  • Publications and orders of lists are mailed within 10 business days of the request.

Complaints and Enforcement

  • Goal - Complaints will be investigated thoroughly, in a timely manner, and the integrity of the process will be maintained.

  • Objective - The average resolution time for resolving complaints against veterinarians and sending the final action to the board for approval will be 180 days.

  • Objective - A public member of the Board will be present during informal disciplinary conferences.

  • Compliance Inspections - The Board will perform 750 on-site compliance inspections annually.

Filing a Complaint with the Board

The Board only investigates written complaints submitted on the official complaint forms. Each veterinarian is required to display a notice that indicates how and to whom complaints are filed. Requests for information about filing a complaint may come by phone, be written, or e-mailed. If the person wishes to make a complaint, a complaint form and a general information brochure will be sent that explains the jurisdiction of the Board, an overview of the process, and instructions on how to complete the complaint form. When the completed form is received, the complainant is sent a confirmation letter confirming receipt of the complaint. To receive a complaint form, you may call (512) 305-7555 or toll free (800) 821-3205. The complaint form may also be found on our website.

Licensing and Examinations

License Verifications - Written requests for license verification will be met within 10 days. Telephone requests are provided at the time of the call.

Requests for License and Examination information will be sent within 10 business days of the receipt of the request.

Processing of License renewals - License renewal certificates will be sent to the licensee within 10 business days of receipt of the completed renewal form and correct payment.

Examination Results - Results are mailed to applicants within 14 days from the receipt of results, provided all application requirements are met.

Information Service Information is provided to the Board's customers by the following resources.

Financial Information and Reports

Texas Government Code 659 - Employee Compensation Information

Texas Government Code 661 - Employee Leave Policy Information

Annual Financial Reports:

Annual Financial Report 2022

Annual Financial Report 2021

Annual Financial Report 2020

Annual Financial Report 2019

Annual Financial Report 2018

Annual Financial Report 2017

Annual Financial Report 2016

Annual Finanical Report 2015

Annual Financial Report 2014

Annual Financial Report 2013

Annual Financial Report 2012

Annual Financial Report 2011

Annual Financial Report 2010

Annual Non-Financial Reports:

Annual Non-Financial Report 2018

Customer Service Reports:

2016 Customer Service Report

2014 Customer Service Report

2012 Report on Customer Service

Legislative Appropriations Requests:

2021 - 2022 Legislative Appropriations Request

2020 - 2021 Legislative Appropriations Request

2018 - 2019 Legislative Appropriations Request

2016 - 2017 Legislative Appropriations Request

2014 - 2015 Legislative Appropriations Request


Strategic Plans:

2025-2029 Strategic Plan

2023-2027 Strategic Plan

2019-2023 Strategic Plan

2017-2021 Strategic Plan

2015-2019 Strategic Plan

2013 - 2017 Strategic Plan

Sunset Reports:

Link to Sunset Website for TBVME Sunset Reports

2015 Sunset Self Evaluation Report

Quarterly Report to the Sunset Commission

2018 5th Quarterly Report to the Sunset Commission

2018 6th Quarterly Report to the Sunset Commission

2018 7th Quarterly Report to the Sunset Commission


FY2020 Operating Budget

FY2018 Operating Budget

FY20 HB12 Compensation Report

Open Record Ruling GA-683

Livestock Show Residue Avoidance


The Board maintains a website. It includes or has links to: the Veterinary Licensing Act; Board rules; examination dates, locations, and application deadlines; board meeting dates, times, and locations; special notices; key information from the Board's publication, Board Notes; and, numerous agencies and organizations related to the practice and regulation of veterinary medicine. The site also publishes the current board members names and their home towns.